Your Website is Talking to You… Are You Listening?

by Brent Mondoux, CEO, N-VisionIT Interactive.  Published by the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce.

Ottawa website design

Which pages on your website get the most traffic? How about the least? Which page has the highest drop off rates? How much of your traffic is coming from mobile devices? If you don’t know the answers to any of these questions, you’re not alone…

The reality is that more than 99% of businesses that have an Internet presence haven’t the slightest clue what’s working and what isn’t in terms of attracting and converting leads into customers, nor do they even know if it’s being viewed by a device that can navigate it properly!   How to say this nicely… sorry I can’t find a way… this is simply ludicrous!

If one of your employees worked too slow, dressed unprofessionally or didn’t speak fluently, you would react in a heartbeat; but, why do so many business owners idly accept an underperforming website?  It’s simple!  It’s not because business owners don’t care, or aren’t aware of the shortcomings of their websites, it’s because they get caught up in the daily grind and delay addressing the priorities that will deliver the most significant contributions to their own long term success.

Getting caught up in the daily grind is a reality that everyone must face, myself included.  It challenges us by enticing us to focus on immediate points of pain rather than fixing and improving the underlying causes.  Unfortunately this results in a significant loss of positive momentum, one that could cost infinite opportunities.

In terms of websites, these causes are clouded by uncertainty due to insufficient technical experience among many companies.  Sales and marketing departments simply have no idea where to start or how to increase the effectiveness of their online presence.

Here are your next three steps:

  • Ensure that your website is tracking your visitors clicks
  • Make sure that key decision makers can read and understand these analytics, if they can’t, get them training or hire a professional to explain them to you
  • Every quarter, assess these analytics and hold your online presences accountable.

Remember – this is the first point of contact for most of your potential customers.  At most, you have thirty seconds to create a first impression.  Will you sit as a leader within your industry?  The choice is up to you and your most powerful weapon is knowledge.  If you don’t know what’s weak, how will you improve?

Brent Mondoux
CEO, N-VisionIT Interactive

Ottawa web design

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